I recently wrote an exclusive mindset series for Healthista - one of the pieces was focussed on Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset and which one leads to success?
For years, through social and personal conditioning, education, and work experience, we fall into a rhythm of functioning. One of our major problems is escalating commitments to what are essentially failing courses of action. Over years our routines and mindsets become rooted in consistent practice without encouraging much change.
Basically if you apply the same level of thinking that created your current situation you will stay in neutral. In fact, not just people, but businesses and organisations also fall into the repetition of practices that have helped them succeed to a certain degree.
I am constantly teaching and reminding " If you do not consciously adopt a new Mindset the old one is subconsciously adopted for you." It is true that the systems, we have deeply relied on for years are now evolving at a dizzying pace. The pace of change has never been this fast before and will never be this slow again. Keeping up with the pace of change can be a challenge. But a refusal to address this evolution can threaten growth and even survival. You must unlearn to Learn.
We must defy the gravity of our current thoughts, unlearn the biases, conditioning, experiences that are not longer turbo boosting our future and learn the cognitive and interpersonal skills that we need to apply for that new future.
On a personal level. ‘You are what you think you are’ is popular in the Buddhist teachings, showing just how powerful thoughts can actually be. If you are thinking happy things, you will in turn be happy and the same is true for sadness